Staff Publications & Presentations

Institutional Reports

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning produces a variety of reports for state agencies, the state legislature, the Board of Regents, the President, the Provost, college deans, and other customers.

For enrollment projections, faculty workload, SAT Reports, retention and graduation rates, and other USM indicators, see the USM Institutional Research Annual Reports page.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2014

In the Spring of 2014, UMD participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). First-year and senior undergraduates answered questions about their participation in programs and activities offered at UMD. The report contains data on engagement indicators and high-impact practices.

Closing the Achievement Gap Report 2014-2015

IRPA, in conjunction with the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, produces an annual report measuring the differences in retention and graduation statistics between selected campus populations (Hispanic, African-American, and low-income students) and the overall undergraduate body. The report also addresses some of the more prominent campus activities designed to reduce gaps in retention and graduation rates.

Cultural Diversity Report - April 2016

Prepared by the Office of Diversity & Inclusion and the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment, this report evaluates the University's progress on the institutional plan to improve cultural diversity; efforts to increase the numerical representation and retention of traditionally underrepresented students, administrative staff, and faculty; efforts to create positive interactions and cultural awareness; and other central diversity initiatives.

Faculty Blended Learning Report - May 2013

The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment (IRPA) invited all full-time faculty (tenured/tenure-track and non-tenured/tenure-track) to participate in an on-line survey exploring their experiences with and opinions of blended learning. This report was presented to the Provost's Commission on Blended and Online Learning. [May 2013]

Heterogeneity, Race, and Critical Thinking - November 2005

This study examines the concept of "critical mass" and its use in the discussion of racial/ethnic heterogeneity as it may benefit critical thinking. This paper proposes an index by which diversity can be measured and examines the application of this index to the demographic composition of the University of Maryland's undergraduate population.

Faculty Equity Analysis in STEM - January 2006

This analysis examined workload for male and female faculty in the science, technology, engineering, and math. Specific topics that were measured and analyzed include: non-instructional activity, salaries, courses enrollments and students taught.

Plus Minus Grading - April 2006

This study sought to understand the impact of a new weighted plus/minus grading calculation on undergraduate graduation rates and course availability. Grades from the fall 2002 cohort of incoming undergraduate students were used to determine the change in probation and dismissal and the accompanying impact on graduation rates. Additionally, all undergraduate courses assigning the C- grade during the 2003-04 and 2004-05 Academic Years were examined to understand course availability should students have to repeat courses.

Staff Presentations

(Organized by year)