Resources for Learning Outcomes

Materials for UMD Undergraduate Programs

Assessment Guidelines for UMD Undergrad Programs

UMD Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide

Guidance for Writing and Improving Learning Outcomes Statements

Rubric for Review of Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes Assessment Summary Reports - the rubric by which the Summaries (below) will be evaluated by the College Coordinator committee on behalf of the Provost.

Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes Assessment Summary (to be submitted by undergraduate programs annually)

UG Program LOA Summary Report Template

Using Writing within Learning Outcomes Assessment: Learning Outcomes Assessment in Fundamental Studies Writing Courses

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Learning Outcomes Initiative:

All undergraduate programs will complete a full cycle between Academic Year 2019 and Academic Year 2022.

On or before October 21 every year Deans will submit to the Provost their reports on the past, present and future undergraduate assessment activities. These reports indicate what was learned from the assessments and what changes will be made as a result.

The College Coordinators (representatives from each college) review these submissions on behalf of the Provost and provide feedback to the Provost and the programs.

New programs, majors or minors must state intended student learning outcomes in order to be established. On October 21 of the academic year following their establishment, these new entities must submit a report on their plans and begin assessing student learning outcomes within the guidelines stated above.

Assessments of learning outcomes in degree programs where enrollments are small may be embedded in the assessments with those of larger, related programs that overlap in content. Small-enrollment programs may conduct a simple, qualitative assessment or portfolio project in lieu of combining with other programs.

Click here for more background on this topic .

Best Practices

Student Learning Outcomes Workshops

In support of the Provost's Commission on Learning Outcomes Assessment, workshops on learning outcomes assessment are offered jointly by the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment. Workshops can be tailored to meet the needs of the group(s) requesting the workshop.

Workshops might include and/or focus primarily on:

  • An overview of undergraduate learning outcomes assessment and our campus process
  • Establishing student learning outcome goals and objectives Methods for assessing student learning outcomes
  • Designing rubrics for evaluating student learning outcomes
  • Utilizing results of student learning outcomes assessment

To request a workshop, contact